Upcoming features

This is a list over what changes that are planed to appear in future versions of PublicWare software.
The column "coming in version" contains the version number where the feature will appear. A plus after the version number refer to that the feature will come in that version or later. This is do because the version number in the next release is unknown when the feature is added to the list, but the feature will then appear in all versions with a number higher then the described.

Please be aware that there is no guarantee that the plans will be realized. This plan is only a suggestion list.

File Renamer:
Description: Coming in version

Music Archive:
Description Coming in version
Schema in XML 1.5+
Having the same song more then once in the same music lists 1.5+
User arrangement of music lists 1.5+
Direct integration between the database system and the graphical system 2.0
External database system 2.0