PublicWare news

April 4, 2002 - The creation of English Edition

For a longer period of time I has had the plan to expand with an English section. The Internet is a very international media and a Danish website only address a small part of the Internet users. By opening a English section the possible target group is extended many times, and this should give more visitors and more users of the software.

The new section has been named English Edition, and is not a direct translation of the site. The to sites can contain different software products and different information. Some things will only exist on the Danish site and others only on the English site. Some things can however be direct translations and will both could be found on and English Edition.

By the moment the to sections are completely separated but over time the plan is to integrate several of the pages. Among others the develop page is a obvious target, so only an English version would exist. I have decided not to make a complete and direct copy of the Danish edition of the site, because it would require a large amount of work. It would become hard and take a long time to update the web pages, and thereby have a bad effect in the number of updates.