February 22, 2004 |
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PublicWare on a new server |
It has long been a dream to move the PublicWare website to an internal server.
February 21, 2004 this dream came true.
There have been some hard work to move the website. The email- and web-server software had to be
configured and tested. Also the website used a webcounter delivered by the web hosting company, so it was necessary
to write a new webcounter for the new server. The preparation for the move has take about a month in order to ensure
that the server was sufficient tested, and that the move could be done without any interruption of the website. The
thorough preparation look to have been successful. All systems has been move almost without anyone noticed. The only
thing wrong, was a small problem with the graphics in the corner of the PublicWare website. This was been corrected.
The webserver change has several advantages. Most noticeable is better control and increased
expansion possibilities. The idea is to change the PublicWare website to a dynamic website. This should make it
easier and faster to update the website content. Hopefully this will result in more updates and more user functions.