Software news

April 4, 2002 - Music Archive 1.0 released

In a long time there have been a wish to make an English edition of, but the Music Archive software was the product that launched the creation of the English Edition. The Music Archive software toke over a year to program from scratch, and the effort behind it is simply to big only to make a Danish version.

Here follows a short description of the product:

PublicWare Music Archive is an application that is has been developed to control and navigate around in music archives. The computer has a great advantages compared to CDs, the computer can save large amounts of music, all songs can quickly found, and it is easy to use... more or less. Often it can be quite difficult and takes a long time to find a particular song, but this problem can Music Archive help you to remove. Music Archive contains a number of functions that makes it easy and quick to stay in control over the music files.

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