Software news

July 26, 2003 - Release of Music Archive 1.20

The biggest improvement in Music Archive version 1.20 is without a doubt the new file information plugin system. File information is information that is saved inside the music files them self, and this information could for example be the song length, artist, genre or some other information about the song. Music Archive 1.10 supported ID3v1 and MPEG information from Mp3 files, but common for the two then the support was built into the Music Archive application file. This meant that if the support should be expanded to, for example ID3v2, then the application file had to be changed to support the format. With the new plugin system the support for any file information can be added without the need for a new version of Music Archive. This also means that the end user get the possibility to add or remove any type of file information that they need, and thereby customize the software after their needs. The system makes it also easier to make support for new filetypes as for example Ogg/Vorbis or WMA.

In connection with the new plugin system there has also been added support for new file information. The first is support for ID3v2 data from Mp3 files. This means that Music Archive now also can handle ID3v2 data, where Music Archive 1.10 where limited to ID3v1. ID3v2 have a number of advances over ID3v1, the biggest is that there is no restrictions on artist and title names. With ID3v1 the title could not be longer then 30 characters.
The second plugin that has been added is a plugin for the Ogg/Vorbis format. Ogg/Vorbis is a free alternative for Mp3 files, and now Music Archive also supports the format. This means that a number of information about Ogg/Vorbis songs can be viewed from Music Archive for example the length of a song. And also that you can read and write information about artist, title and genre.

Beside the plugin system there has also been improvements on other points. The Database Schema system has been improved, and also the support for the tab key has been improved. And as always has a number of bugs in the software been fixed.

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